Cairns are human made stacks of stones. The location of a cairn is carefully chosen as they are often used for wayfinding to keep travelers from losing their way. We consider our core business as wayfinding.
However we work with you, whether you are a business or an individual, no matter the services we provide, we will act as a guide for you to find your best path, built on what matters to you.
Chris Lubin
COO and Chief Strategist
Focuses on managing practicalities and business relationships. Possesses a quick wit and a quiet and powerful work ethic.
Licensed Realtor who works with his clients until they find their best home.
Brings over 40 years of management, real estate, lending and servicing, professional investigative work and non-profit consulting experience
A favorite quote:
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop
We are a family based based business. It began with just the two of us in 2000. We are partners. In business and in life. We have built our marriage and business on honesty, unconditional acceptance and boldness. Our blended family of eight is not one of biology but of a true tended connection of love. Our family has grown to include 13 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Two of our sons and two of our grandchildren now actively participate in our business.
We bring that same welcoming, inclusive and energetic spirit to our company. We believe in connections. We look for creative approaches, using technology, best practices and just made up possibilities. We know the elegance of simplicity. We embrace the unconventional perspective. We gather it all together to bring you the best results.
We chose our name from the Robert Frost poem that tells us, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost was a lyrical pragmatist, mixing poetry with practicality. He inspires his readers to see beyond their horizons, drops us right into the fragrant and messy woods so that we can smell, feel, see and touch all the earth around us.
All of us, person or organization, chooses a path. Our goal is to bring inspiration mixed with practicality to your endeavors, engage with possibilities and leave you with new energy, new perspectives and new directions to do your work and know yourself.
More than a tagline, it is the guide for all we do.It is how we do our work. It differentiates us from others who do the same work. It creates a standard that we expect to be measured against. If your project is outside the scope of our expertise, we will tell you. We only do what we do well.
VISION to help you find the best approaches to any challenge. Vision to inspire our clients to find the synergy between what matters most and what they do.
INTEGRITY is the sacred ground where we have built this business. Integrity to find solutions that honor you, honor your business, honor your values.
RESULTS that improve your work, your lives. We know our work isn't about us. Our focus remains always on you and your goals.
Autumn Lubin
CEO and Chief Enthusiast
Focuses on providing practical steps for people and organizations to achieve their vision and goals through consulting, facilitation and education.
Author and writer
Brings 30+ years of consulting and educational services for the non-profit and service sectors as well as direct work in the housing, education mortgage and non-profit fields.
Has written and facilitated more than 30 professional training courses, including certification curriculum, for the non-profit housing counseling industry.
Provided leadership in a variety of housing, lending and real estate industry task forces, educational projects and business programs.
A favorite quote:
"It always seems impossible until it is done." Nelson Mandela