Design of the workshop

Loss. in all its forms, is a powerful force.  It happens to all of us, often when we least expect it.  A lost job, a totaled car, serious health issues, loss of loved ones, ending of a relationship.  The list is endless.  Some of us get lost in its swirling.  Others are more buoyant.  What makes the difference?

There is no insurance against life's bruises.  But there is choice when deciding how to respond to the punches.  Resilience is a muscle. You have to locate it within you and then exercise it to build its strength.  Like any muscle used frequently, you find you can rely on it to be there when you need it. 

​It resides within all of us.  Ready to give it a workout?

"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”  ~Maya Angelou

building resilience

The power of resilience

How to find it within yourself

How to strengthen your resilience

Avoiding the traps that sabotage your resilient efforts

​Ways to promote resilience into your everyday

how Do I register?

What will you learn?

A one day on site workshop or three week online workshop

Interactive and geared for the adult learner of all styles
Filled with self discovery, awakening your awareness  to the resilience that is within you

Practical and designed for immediate impact