how Do I register?

What will you learn?

Six-hour online workshop with completion certificate

Interactive and geared for the adult learner of all styles
Challenges the counselor to commit to changes in counseling style

Practical and designed for immediate impact

The demands of the client centric approach for the counselor and the organization

How to structure strategic questions and maintain curiosity while listening

Building budgets using a client centric counseling approach

Creating action plans geared to the client's and the funder's needs

The power of client follow up

Design of the workshop

Every housing counselor wants to serve their clients in the best possible ways in the most efficient manner.

Policies, procedures and even counseling forms can get in the way of providing what the client needs. Balancing client needs and the demands of funding partners and organizational protocols can be a challenging task.

​This interactive workshop approaches the counselors work with strategies that always keep the client's needs in focus and still allow the counselor to be efficient and productive.

It challenges the counselor to adapt counseling methods and practices that are client centric. It also includes methods to bring client centric counseling changes to your agency that align with mission and organizational goals.  

Client Centric Counseling Best Practices

"The client's perception is your reality."