Sorting Through the Worry
"“Worry pretends to be necessary, but serves no useful purpose.” – Eckhart Tolle
Identify Your Worrying
How to Challenge Worry Patterns
Tools to Manage Worrying
Two-hour online workshop
Filled with researched information and tools that will have immediate impact
Time to think and create your own action plan
Useful resources to help you succeed in taking away the power of worry
Worry can be helpful when it helps us puzzle through a situation and take action. Worry can also be exhausting when it becomes a reflex response to life's challenges and fills our head with endless circles of thought that lead nowhere.
Controlling worry patterns is possible. It begins with the identification and acknowledgment of the content of our worry. It involves knowing the origin of worry patterns and worry triggers.
If you are ready to take away the power that worry has over your life, this workshop can get you started and provide resources to keep you on track.