“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor, it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living” -Peter Walsh
Decluttering doesn't start with boxes or cleaning out closets or drawers. It starts by knowing what matters to you.
It also doesn't mean you must become a minimalist or uber organized. You can keep your collections. There is not one definitive way to declutter. You use the organizational methods that work for you.
Decluttering allows you to prioritize what you keep in your life and what you let in going forward. The only person who decides what stays, what goes and what never enters, is you.
Two-hour online workshop
Filled with researched information and tools that will have immediate impact
Time to think and create your own action plan
Useful resources to help you succeed in keeping what matters
Personal reflection to identify what matters most to you
Decluttering best practices
Skills to learn to let go of the clutter of your life and home
How to get started and keep it going